From players for players, quality and cheap

7 Days to Die

Game hosting for 7 Days to Die, please select your server parameters below.

ARK Survival Evolved

Game hosting for ARK Survival Evolved, please select your server parameters below.

ARK Survival Ascended (VPS)

Want game hosting for ARK Survival Ascended? We can't provide the game directly, but we have everything set up so that the game will run on a separate VPS with a connection to our administration. As a result, you will see the server in exactly the same way as in the case of game hosting

ARMA Reforger

Game hosting for ARMA Reforger, please select your server parameters below.
All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for ARMA 3, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as modifications and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Astroneer, please select your server parameters below.

You can adjust all settings in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

Conan Exiles

Game hosting for Conan Exiles, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

Counter-Strike:Global Offensive

Game hosting for CSGO, please select your server parameters below.

You will then set all the settings in the Admin Portal, a link to it will be sent to you in your confirmation email.

Counter-Strike 2

Game hosting for Counter-Strike 2, please select your server parameters below.

All settings will then be set up in the Admin Portal, a link to this will be sent to you in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for DayZ, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for ECO, please select your server parameters below.
All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Factorio, please select your server parameters below.

You will then set all the settings in the Admin Portal, a link to it will be sent to you in your confirmation email. Don't forget to register with Factorio and enter your account in the server config.

Farming Simulator 22

Do you want game hosting for Farming Simulator 2022? Don't hesitate to order the game from us. All administration is then done through the default panel specifically designed for Farming Simulator.
Setting up the server requires a license, and its rental is included in the price! The server also needs to be manually activated, which may cause some delays as a hosting staff member must complete everything manually.

Farming Simulator 25

Chceš herní hosting pro hru Farming Simulator 25?
Neváhej a objednej hru u nás. Veškerá administrace je následně skrze výchozí panel připravený přímo k Farming Simulátoru.
Vytvoření serveru vyžaduje licenci, její zapůjčení je v ceně! Server je nutné také manuálně aktivovat, z toho důvodu se může příprava serveru zdržet, kdy vše musí manuálně dokončit pracovník hostingu!


Herní hosting pro hru Foundry, níže si prosím vyberte parametry Vašeho serveru.

Veškeré nastavení, jako je mapa a jiné parametry poté nastavíte v Admin Portále. Odkaz na něj Vám dorazí v potvrzovacím emailu.

Multi Theft Auto

Game hosting for Multi Theft Auto, please select your server parameters below.
All settings will then be set up in the Admin Portal, a link to it will be sent to you in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Empyrion, please select your server parameters below.
Veškeré nastavení, jako je mapa a jiné parametry poté nastavíte v Admin Portále. Odkaz na něj Vám dorazí v potvrzovacím emailu.


Herní hosting pro hru Enshrouded, níže si prosím vyberte parametry Vašeho serveru.

Veškeré nastavení, jako je mapa a jiné parametry poté nastavíte v Admin Portále. Odkaz na něj Vám dorazí v potvrzovacím emailu.

Garry's Mod

Game hosting for Garry's Mod, please select your server parameters below.

You will then set all the settings in the Admin Portal, a link to it will be sent to you in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for HumanitZ, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for the game ICARUS, please select your server parameters below.

Veškeré nastavení, jako je mapa a jiné parametry poté nastavíte v Admin Portále. Odkaz na něj Vám dorazí v potvrzovacím emailu.

LOTR: Return to Moria

Game hosting for the game LOTR Return to Moria. Please select your server parameters below.

All settings, such as the map and other parameters, can be configured later in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to the portal in the confirmation email.

Medieval Engineers

Game hosting for Medieval Engineers, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Minecraft, please choose your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

Myth of Empires

Game hosting for Myth of Empires, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

No One Survived

All settings such as map and other parameters are then set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Palworld, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for PixARK, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

Project Zomboid

Game hosting for Project Zomboid, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for RUST, please select your server parameters below.

You will then set all the settings in the Admin Portal, a link to it will be sent to you in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Satisfactory, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as server name and admin password will be set when you first connect to the server. Server information and server administration access will be sent to you in a confirmation email.
Please note that dedicated servers for this game are under development and problems may occur.
The number of game slots is currently unlimited.


Gaming hosting for the game Soulmask, please select your server parameters below.

All settings, such as the map and other parameters, can be configured later in the Admin Portal. A link to it will be sent to you in the confirmation email.

Space Engineers

Game hosting for Space Engineers, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Stationeers, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Terraria, please select your server parameters below.
All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

The Forest

Game hosting for The Forest, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.

The Front

Game hosting for The Front, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Smalland, please select your server parameters below.
Veškeré nastavení, jako je mapa a jiné parametry poté nastavíte v Admin Portále. Odkaz na něj Vám dorazí v potvrzovacím emailu.

Sons Of The Forest

Game hosting for Sons Of The Forest, please select your server parameters below.
All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Unturned, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.


Game hosting for Valheim, please select your server parameters below.

You will then set all the settings in the Admin Portal, a link to it will be sent to you in your confirmation email.

Vintage Story

Herní hosting pro hru Vintage Story, níže si prosím vyberte parametry Vašeho serveru.

Veškeré nastavení poté nastavíte v Admin Portále, odkaz na něj Vám dorazí v potvrzovacím emailu.

V Rising

Game hosting for V Rising, please select your server parameters below.

All settings such as map and other parameters will then be set in the Admin Portal. You will receive a link to it in your confirmation email.